by Reinhild Möller
Two audits were simultaneously on the agenda for exact! at the end of November. In addition to the surveillance audit for certification in accordance with ISO 17100 on requirements for translation services, the company was also certified in accordance with ISO 18587 for the first time. ISO 18587 covers the requirements for post-editing machine translations and defines the process workflow.
For exact!, this step was the logical consequence of changing requirements in the translation industry. Although machine translation has great potential, it by no means replaces the human translator. In the past, we have repeatedly had the opportunity to gain experience in editing and correcting machine translations, a process referred to as “post-editing”. For this reason, all internal translators have already addressed the issue and have participated in corresponding training courses.
exact! has intensively looked into the requirements of ISO 18587 and introduced a standard-compliant process for full post-editing. In the case of full post-editing, the post-edited result must be of the same quality as a first-class human translation – which corresponds to the quality standards of exact!. So that we can respond to the different needs and wishes of our customers, we additionally have a process for light post-editing, although this is not covered by the standard.
Our certification in accordance with ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 creates transparency for our customers and confirms our expertise as a provider of high-quality translation and post-editing services. By expanding our portfolio to include post-editing, we can ensure that machine-translated texts end up speaking your language.
Thanks to the successful certification, we can now officially begin offering our new post-editing service in 2022. If you have any queries, for example regarding the difference between full post-editing and light post-editing, we will be happy to help.
If you would like to delve deeper into this topic, our articles “Machine translations: technological miracle or just hype?”, “Post-editing in accordance with ISO 18587” and “Competences and qualifications of post-editors” are sure to provide you with interesting insights.
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